Cooking Community

Dear food enthusiasts,

Your time to shine has come, because @glvidun is launching its Cooking Community this month! Do you love cooking and gezellige people? Then this might just be it for you!
The idea behind a community is that it is low effort and easy to join, you can do so the entire year! :)
After filling out the interest form, you will get an invite to join a Cooking community night where you can show of your cooking skills, after which you can join the community if you'd like. * We would love for our community to be as diverse as possible, consisting of active and non-active members, young and (somewhat) old, all the different committees and disputen! So, go fill out this Google Forms and see you at our first community night ;)

The Cooking Community


*we will only select the applicants if a lot of people from the same committee apply, to keep the group as diverse as possible :)
