Commishier: FA
- Foreign Affairs
- WebArchive
- 1 minute (196 words)
We’re the FAntastic, FAbulous, FAnatic, FAmous FA! Idun’s FAvourite committee!
We are the foreign committee of Idun, so we organize activities related to other countries: a hitchhiking weekend, a winter sports vacation (WiFA), a city trip in Europe (SpecOps) and of course the SDPA (Special Dinner Plus Alcohol), this year with a Korean theme! It may not look like this to outsiders, but this activity requires the most time and work of all our activities. We spend half a year cooking all kinds of recipes from a certain country or culture to compose the best dinner for you all! We have had a lot of positive reactions on the menu, so we have decided to share these recipes with you!! You will find links to the recipes we used, so you can make them at home :)
Our next activity, SpecOps, is already coming soon! This year we will visit the beautiful French city Rouen, where we will play the FAmous SpecOps game and fill our free time with walking, sightseeing, shopping, drinking or whatever else you want!
We hope to see you at one of our activities!
Love and kisses,
The Foreign Affairs

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