Confession Corner
- Kekboi
- WebArchive
- 1 minute (263 words)
Dear Kekboi,
When I saw your Facebook post, I thought to myself: ‘He can help me.’ I’m a lost Idun member with problems with my love life. Or actually, overflowing with love. I can fall in love extremely fast. One day I’ll be smittin’ with person A and a few weeks later I can’t think of anything else than person B. And then suddenly it’s person C. The list keeps going on and on.
Partially I think it’s because I get scared that things won’t work out with person A, but it’s probably also because I get very enthusiastic when meet new person B. The result is clear, I confuse myself and it’s hurting me!
Is this a normal thing for someone our age? Or is it just a personal problem?
Help me Kekboi, you’re my only hope!
With love,
Idun member X
Dear Idun member X,
There’s nothing wrong with feeling confused. It’s very normal to feel that way at our age. Everyone is different and discovers their love quarrels at a different age. About you falling in love quickly, there’s nothing wrong with that either. There are a lot of nice people in this world and you seem to be lucky enough to know a lot that you like a lot too! Try to keep calm and not make these people even better in your head. And if that doesn’t work, sex is quite fun but don’t forget to practice safe sex.
Kind regards from Kekboi himself.

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