I don’t know about you, but SN 2023ixf is feeling 22
- Filip Manda
- Scientific News
- 1 minute (212 words)
SN 2023ixf is the name of a type-II supernova in the Pinwheel Galaxy. This supernova was the closest core collapse in the last couple of years. The Pinwheel Galaxy is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, almost 22 million light-years from Earth. Supernovas, or core collapses, are explosions which mark the end of life for some of the galaxy’s biggest stars, shining extremely bright with illuminating dark energy. The supernova was first observed in May of 2023 by Japanese astronomer Koichi Itagaki, just a few days after the star exploded. Analysis of prior Hubble Space Telescope images potentially showed a Red Supergiant in that exact location before the explosion. Since this supernova was the closest core collapse recently, it might help jump-start further research into the deaths of stars. Previously, only the light emitted by the blast could notify astronomers of a star collapse. However, recently astronomers have been observing “multi-messenger” signals which would be based both on light emitted, as well as other signals, such as electromagnetic radiation, neutrinos, or cosmic rays. So far, these ‘more complex’ messengers have only been picked up within the Milky Way. Hopefully, the future will hold a widening of the detection of “multi-messengers” outside our own galaxy.

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