Why do you drink my pee?
- Anette Hallik
- Scientific News
- 1 minute (177 words)
All animal species have their own mating rituals; some weirder than others. Male gazelles are known to lick the urine off of the tracks of their potential mates. Why? We could compare that to pregnancy tests humans take. Urine contains a lot of different hormones and pheromones and the concentration of these elements varies depending on the fertility cycle of the female. Most animals test ovulation and fertility by smelling the urine to determine if this specific female is ready to mate. However, in giraffes, the pheromone-detecting organ is connected more closely to the mouth than to the nose. That would lead to similar behaviour as in gazelles: licking the track. But giraffes' necks are too long to reach the ground. What to do? As always, evolution had the answer! Male giraffes will go up to potential partners, nudging their hips and legs. If the female accepts the mating offer, she will release her urine for a few seconds, letting the male take a sip to determine if mating is possible. A bit kinky, but useful!

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