S.L.A.K. (Sports Committee)
Dear Idunaren,
We are the S.L.A.K., the one and only sports committee of GLV Idun. Now this might sound contradictory, but in all honesty the term S.L.A.K. is nothing more than an abbreviation for Sporty Lifescience Activities Kommittee (yes, with a k). However, we have made the SLAK (snail in english) our trademark; just look up some of our group photos and you’ll see! We even have a snail mascot called Kechie the snail that we bring to all of our events.
But besides thinking about snails, we actually need to get things done too ;)
Every year we organize the greatest sport-related activities, like a beach volleyball tournament, the Batavieren race (a relay race of 175 km), and on top of that we also organize the greatest pubcrawl of all times, the infamous Batabieren race. We also organize activities that change every year, like clinics which can be about any sport you can think of, or survival/sports weekends.
While we are busy organizing all of these great events (which isn't as busy as you might think), we also do all kinds of other fun things together as a group of friends. Every year, we go on a committee weekend and have a Christmas dinner, but we also do sports together, go clubbing, have a S.L.A.K.-day, eat together, chill at the suite and much more!
If this sounds like something for you, then don’t hesitate and sign up for our applications at the beginning of each academic year!
Slimy kisses,

S.L.A.K 2024-2025
Téa Froger (2023) | Chair |
Willem van Zwetselaar (2023) | Seccie |
Bine Jeric (2023) | Vice-Chairs & Treasurer |
Tijmen van de Hoef (2021) | Treasurer |
Sofía A.E Álvarez Escudero (2024) | PR Princess |
Evan Heierman (2022) | PR & Head of Committee race |
Stefanos Zafeiropoulos (2023) | Money Delivery |
Ymcke Sterre Wiersma (2024) | Money Delivery |
Ilse Bakker (2021) | Head of Committee Race |
Isa Esposito (2021) | Traveller |
Alaska Lok (2024) | head of tiny tournaments |