Year Representation

The Year Representation (YR) is the advisory council for the Programme Committees (PC) of the bachelor's Biology, LS&T and BME. The students of the YR make notice of problems and points of improvement in the bachelors that are not noticed by the PC. Complaints are mostly handled by the PC, but students can also go to members of the YR when they have issues or points of improvement regarding a course. Therefore, the YR has a good idea of what the general opinion of students is regarding their study programme. The feedback of the YR is discussed during the meetings of the PC and can cause big changes in courses. Therefore, the YR is a very influential council. 

The YR consists of ±10 students from every program. This way, the YR can discuss most of the courses that are given. The YR gets together at least twice per year and discusses every course from the previous periods. The Commissioner of Education from GLV Idun chairs these meetings and is responsible for communicating the evaluations to the PC.

There are 6 different YRs and they cover each year 1st or 2nd/3rd year of Biology, LS&T and BME studies. Everyone is free to join a YR and give their opinion on courses. Feedback on courses is very important, and GLV Idun is always on the lookout for critical thinkers. Applying for the Year Representation is not necessary; simply send an email with your name, study, phone number, and email address to You will then be invited for the first meeting, which will be planned in due time after period Ia.