Ted van der Parre
Every Ted feels the tension right from the start. At a normal game, everyone knows when it starts. However, at a constitution drink, you have to wait and see before one of the guests strikes. You have to stay sharp and pay attention to the guests while also wanting to show your social side. But once it starts, someone grabs the book, people jump on the ‘pedelstaf’, or a board member is taken over the shoulders, then you have to be sharp, not panic and, intervene! The adrenaline shoots through your body and the race begins.
As many people know, the goal of the guest boards during the party is to get the property out of the pub and thus put the constituent board to shame. However, what few people know is that the guest boards are merely trying to point out holes in the security board. We, with our dispute: Ted van der Parre, make sure that the bras attempts end unsuccessfully and the valuables stay inside the pub. But as Ted, you not only have an active role; your posture, attitude, and behavior also ensure that you have a preventive function. Many guests at a get-together will break out in a cold sweat at the sight of Ted and will therefore be less inclined to attempt a roast.
To become a successful Ted, you must possess exceptional qualities; you must be able to estimate who and when the guests will strike. You have to keep your focus on the board's assets, even if a well-executed brasher attempt causes total chaos. You also have to be able to stand your ground physically, especially when it comes to consuming beer. Not least when it comes to pulling adtjes, because the other boards will make many an attempt to undermine your authority by engaging in adt competitions to get you drunk so that you cannot reasonably perform the heavy task.
If you think you possess all these qualities and would like to strengthen our dispute, or want to invite us to secure your constiborrel, please send an email to tedvdparre@idun.nl.
“Idun what is your profession?! AHOE AHOE AHOE” – Beveiligingsdispuut Ted van der Parre

Ted van der Parre 23-24
Bindert Algra (2016) | - |
Thomas Cupido (2018) | - |
Laurens Jean Jan Laurentius Hamersma (2020) | - |
Jippe Jansman (2019) | - |
Maurik Karsens (2018) | - |
Joost van der Laan (2014) | - |
Malo Lecomte (2021) | - |
Kieron Mayle (2018) | - |
Karst van Overbeek (2017) | - |
Casper Pronk (2021) | - |
Alex van Rooijen (2018) | - |
Wiep Silvius (2021) | - |