Applications Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs is looking for new members!
How does an amazing Winter sports FAcation and a Special Dinner Plus Alcohol sound? Not convinced yet? How about a FAntastic SpecOps city trip and a (hitch)hiking weekend? And that's not all, making new Idun friends is also part of the package!
We are the Foreign Affairs and we are looking for you! 🕵️
We meet every Monday to organize our lovely activities and have dinner. We also like to hang out and go to other Idun activities and parties together. On top of that, we go on a committee weekend in the winter AND a committee FAcation in the summer!
You are now probably wondering how to join the FAntastic Foreign Affairs. Well, you can sign up via with a small motivation why you want to join the FA and something about yourself! Applications will be held on October 2nd. Feel free to email us at for any questions you have left!
Much love,
The Foreign Affairs