Suite quiz

Lovely first years and Idunaren,
Here to kick off our amazing Wabber events is our beloved annual Suite Quiz!
How good is your trivia knowledge? Can you focus in and get the answers right when the
countdown is ticking? See how much of a trivia whizz you are by giving it your all during the
Suite Quiz!
For the first years at Idun, this is a great opportunity to team up once again with your
introduction groups and sign up to see how well your friends work together under pressure!
(Don’t let the name fool you, the Suite quiz has far fewer questions about the Idun Suite than
you think)
As always, all Idunaren are more than welcome to grab a drink and join in on the fun!
The Suite Quiz will take place on 23rd September, 20:00 - 00:00, upstairs at the Buckshot
Participation in the event is free as well! You just need to sign up via
For the event, teams of 4-7 members will be formed so make sure you gather as many of
your friends as possible!
Even if you are in a team beforehand, every member needs to sign up individually on the
website. Just make sure you write in what team you belong to in the form. (Creative and fun
team names are always welcome!)
Don’t have a team yet? You can sign-up alone or in duo’s and mention in the form comment
section that you would like to be put in a team by us :)
If you have any questions feel free to send us an email (
We hope to see you there!
Lots of love,
The Wabber
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