Wabber Drinks

Wabber Drinks

Lovely Idunaren,
This Thursday is the Carnaval edition of Idunight, and what better way to prepare for that than by spending the evening with your friends at the Wabber drinks?! Grab your masks, beads, costumes and all your other Carnaval gear and come on down for a good time before partying hard at the Idunight!

As always, we have a bunch of free snacks, cheap drinks (both alcoholic and non- alcoholic), and loads of different games stocked up in the Suite :)
If it’s your first time joining in for the drinks, have no fear! Just drop in by the Suite (LB 5173.0174, the room right next to the GLV Idun Boardroom) from 17:00-22:00 and join us for a drink and a game. But do keep in mind that you cannot enter the building after 20:00, so make sure you’re in LB before then!

Strike up a conversation with anyone there, especially a member of the Wabber! (though we can’t guarantee any short conversations, we are certified yappers) Feel free to come by with a couple of friends, we have enough food and drink to go around!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Lots of love,
De Wabber