Exam support session: Physiology

Exam support session: Physiology

 Are you in need of some extra help for one of the first courses of the year Physiology ? Would you like to go over some practice material together with a tutor and would you like to ask your last questions? Then we have good news for you!

An Exam Support Session for Physiology will be organised. It will take place on the 7th of November from 15:00 to 17:00 In LB room 5173.0055. During the session, the tutor(s) will treat exam questions for you to practise and be available for questions. Make sure to sign up if you would like to attend this session. 

We have a room for 30 students, you can sign up at idun.nl!

See you then!

PS: Check out the GLV IdunSummary for your courses on our website under Study >> Summary Database >> “programme” >> “year” >> 1A


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