

It’s time for our much-loved SkillShare event on the 3rd of march at 19:15 for only 2 euros! The activity will be at lust and we have some exciting surprises for you while all your favorite stalls are here!

Bring your unfinished candles, empty tin cans, and old clothes that need fixing, whether patching, mending or a creative twist.

Move from stall to stall, where we’ll show you simple skills to fix, repurpose, and create. It’s all about making the most of what you already have and cutting down on waste.
You don't need experience, bring your stuff, and we’ll show you how to do it!

Guests are also welcome for only 3 euros and you can bring max 1 guest per person!

You can sign up on the website on the 12th of feb at 19:00 and signout until the 1st of march at 23:59, this is also the sign out date

With green love,


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