Symposium: Chronic Diseases

Dear Idunnaren,
After a long wait, the GLV Idun Symposium is back! This time, we'll be bringing you face to face with leading experts in the field of Chronic Diseases! Have you ever dreamed of a career in Neuroscience? Are you concerned about the rising rates of obesity, heart disease or COPD in the general population? And would you want to experience first hand what it is like living with an autoimmune disorder? All of these topics and more will be covered at our very own 1 day long congress! 🧬
This is not all! At the end of the event, you will have the chance to do some useful networking with the inspiring speakers we invited to this event, during our Borrel!🍷
11:10-11:50 Prof.dr. Arjan Kortholt - Lecture on Parkinson's Disease
11:50-12:30 Prof.dr. Gertjan van Dijk - Lecture 'To Be or not to Be Healthy?'
Coffee break
12:45-13:25 Prof.dr. Ulrich Eisel - Lecture on Alzheimer's Disease
14:20-15:30 Paulien Bats - Lecture and Workshop on Multiple Sclerosis
15:30-16:10 dr. Cato Drion - Lecture on Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Coffee Break
16:25-17:30 GSMS prof.dr. Judith Vonk & prof.dr. Peter van der Meer - Lecture on CPE/MMIT Research on Chronic Diseases
For the price of 7.5€ (Idun members) or 10€ (non-Idun participants) you get inspiring lectures and workshops in the field of chronic diseases 📖
You can also purchase half day tickets, for a 4€ ticket for the first half including the lunch and for a 3,5€ for the second half including the borrel.
If you're as excited as us to know more about current research going on in various chronic disease topics, be sure to sign up by the 29th of February!! This is definitely going to be an innovative experience you don't want to miss! 🎈
From 1st of March you can still sign up for a ticket if you are interested in the lectures, however these tickets do not include the food throughout the day and the following borrel.
Did we convince you? If so, save the date and see you on the 6th of March at the UMCG for the GLV Idun Symposium! 💜
The CaCo
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