Moonrise Kingdom
Wow! (insert Owen Wilson voice) My first film review in English. I know for certain that the quality of the film review... read more
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Welcome to the jungle
In honor of the second leg of their ‘Not in this lifetime’ tour, Rock band Guns ‘n Roses recently re-released their debut... read more
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Bas en z'n Beestjes: Muriqui
It finally happened. The day which I was sure would never happen has arrived. Bas en zijn Beestjes celebrates its... read more
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Commishier: De Wabber
Waddup y’all. We’re De Wabber and in our headquarters – also known as the Suite – there’s always more space for... read more
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Heal the world
You might have heard of ‘Avengers: Infinity wars’ as being the greatest crossover event in modern day history. I like to... read more
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