Faculty Council Applications

"Ready to be a game-changer? Join the Faculty Student Council and leave your mark on university life. We're seeking ambitious students who are ready to lead and drive change. As a Council member you’ll shape the future of your faculty, develop your critical thinking skills and leave a lasting impact if done well.
If you are interested in learning what goes on behind the scenes of all the important decisions and want to contribute to these as well, then apply for candidacy for the faculty council! The faculty council is the highest representative advisory body within the faculty. It consists of a staff section and a student section. Being a member of the FC gives you the opportunity to actively participate in the decision-making process of the faculty board. You will be able to speak up about matters like the teaching and research, finance, or organisational change to name a few.
There will be a financial compensation for the workload that you put into the FC.
Sounds good? Email us at FSEStudentCouncil@rug.nl and we will get back to you for the next steps. Or apply by filling in the application form via : https://forms.gle/QEGnG8AaGyT8GPZm9. Deadline 15th of February!
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