Hello lovely people,
We are ECOLUTION, Idun’s sustainability committee! And we’re here to sustainabilize basically everything we can. And yes we made that word up and we’re very proud of that.
We’re an international group of people who are trying to be as sustainable as possible. This results in funny circumstances during the meetings. A while ago, we were REALLY excited about biodegradable packing peanuts that disappeared under tap water, and trust us it is more fun than you might think (taste-wise it isn’t that exciting though, we checked).
What do we do you might ask? We are here to help Idun become more environmentally responsible. We believe that sustainability is very important, especially for a biology/LS&T study association. On our way to achieve this goal we are planning to organize different activities, all fun and educational and all sustainably related, and we don’t know about you but this is all we could ever wish for. Think of clothing swaps, workshops and documentary nights, sounds fun right? Besides this, we are here to give advise to the board and the other committees to sustainabilize their activities, so that all the already amazing activities become even more amazing!
We are really looking forward to showing you everything we are working on!
With green love,