EI (First Years Introduction Committee)
We are the EI (introduction committee) and as you might have guessed, we organize the introduction period for the first years students of biology, biomedical engineering and LS&T. We do this with the most eggcellent and egguisite team which you can see below at our beautiful committee photo.
The introduction period consists of an introduction day, introduction drinks, introduction camp and the end party. During the introduction week you’ll meet your fellow students for the first time, which is of course very nerve wrecking, but also very eggciting! You will also be guided by very eggcellent god parents who comfort you during your first weeks. There will also be an introduction drink where you’ll be able to meet with all your fellow Idunaren.
After the first week of lectures, you’ll go on the most amazing weekend of your life: INTRODUCTION CAMP!! This takes place at an eggstraordinary farm in the pitoresc village Appelscha. Here we’ll make sure you will never be able to forget this weekend.
On Sunday after dinner, the introduction camp has sadly come to an end, but to close the introduction period we’ll go loose one more time at the end party! After this you have been enlightened to the wonderful world of Idun :))
Many Kisses,