S.L.A.K. (Sports Committee)
Dear Idunaren,
We are the S.L.A.K., the sports committee of GLV Idun, this might sound contradictory, but let us explain.
S.L.A.K. stands for:
Sexy: We are a group of good-looking people, this obviously doesn't need an explanation. (see our calender at the hok)
Laid back: except most of the time we are not, we are a function hyperactive chaotic mess. Especially when we have not seen each other for a long time (2 weeks tops). This is why we always have a very well structured praeses, who keeps us together.
Almost friends is therefore what the A stands for, in this committee we have to put up with each other and we really let each other know that. (Actually we all really like each other but we show it in strange ways.)
Kechie the Snail: Kechie the Snail is our mascot, and Kechie makes us escalate when we are in the club, some people more than others, just to make sure we have good stories to tell when we have our next meeting.
Besides all the fun we also have a serious side, because we need to organize lots of amazing activities. These include all sorts of tournaments and clinics like beachvolleyball, dodgeball, taekwondo, ‘apenkooien’ and so on. Our biggest activity is the Batavieren race, this is a relay race from Nijmegen to Enschede, where 25 brave runners will run day and night to be rewarded by a “nice cold” beer and a final party after everyone is finished. For people who want to train the running and the drinking we organise the ‘Batabierenrace’, our signature pubcrawl. If you would like to join our committee, don't hesitate to sign up for our sollicitations at the beginning of each academic year!